Playscapes Closed for Remodel
Brookfield Homeowners and Residents,
As you are aware, the Association has contracted with Grounds for Play to remove our existing playscapes and install our new playscapes and safety equipment.
If you would like to see mockups for each park, please see below:
playscape_big_kids_park playscape_toddler_parkThe toddler park will also have fence around the playscape as an additional safety measure.
The project was slated to start in a few weeks but the playscapes and equipment have arrived early and the contractor is able to start work immediately. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We believe you’ll be incredibly happy with the new playscapes and the wait will be worth it! As a reminder, Northtown MUD has a few different playscape options in the park along Battenburg Trail.
Please use caution in our parks and stay away from the playscape areas while construction is taking place. Both areas will be secured with caution tape and barricades. Please do not remove the barricades or the caution tape.
We will send out further communications when the work is complete and the playscapes are open for business.
We look forward to seeing the new playscapes and shade structures.
Thank you,
Board of Directors